Private Label Rights products in a nut shell are yours to own, edit, sell, resell, grant resale rights to and more. Basically you are the author of the product without writing or creating a thing. So it does not take a genius to realize the value of these products.
You can use PLR as your own and sign your name as the creator. Putting it simply, you have a business in a box within minutes, with all your own back links and up sells without writing a single word.
When you have your own PLR products you can:
Sell them on their own mini site - Use the PLR material to create your own mini website and sell your products from there.
Add them to bigger packages - Take 3 or 4 related PLR products and add them to a larger package. This is turn will allow you to sell your package for a much higher price.
Convert them to CD or DVD and sell them on auction websites - Place your PLR on a CD with your website links and affiliate links inside and not only create an income from selling your created items on auction websites, also make a massive residual income from the other sources of income.
Create a home study course with a variety of PLR products and sell them for a huge profit - You can create and sell home study courses with the help of PLR. Package your PLR onto a CD, box it up with check lists and help manuals and you can create a home study course which you can sell for 100's of dollars.
Split your private label into articles - Place them on article websites with your website links, mini site links, auction links and generate traffic you never knew existed.
Create a mini course and distribute them to your mailing lists - Convert your PLR to a mini course and send it to your subscribers. This really makes PLR work for you.
Convert your products to physical books, print and sell them as your own - By converting your PLR to physical books you can them place them on auction websites such as eBay and Amazon and create huge revenue potential.
Add your affiliate links to your PLR - Create affiliate sales which will earn you a residual income for years to come. By adding your affiliate links and website links to your PLR eBooks and articles and granting resale rights the viral effect is in place, your eBooks and articles will be around for years ...
What else do I know about PLR?
Well I know that PLR can be very, very expensive and can be a minefield and I mean a minefield. There are a lot of cheap and copy PLR websites out there to choose from. However, beware of the guys who do not care about fresh content or content quality, who are simply trying to make a quick buck from the unwary buyer. Well PLR Monthly is most certainly not this type of business. These guys are all out to help you and their members succeed to the max.
No joke here! PLR Monthly has so much to offer I nearly passed out at the amount of content you actually get when you join them.
Here is an extract from their sales page and just what you will get from them:
Niche Market PLR eBooks - PLR eBook are Very expensive to develop and hard to find. Such top quality private label fresh content has been sourced for you as we strive to provide the best service possible. With the Niche Market PLR package you can use the 3 PLR eBooks as a niche collection and provide your potential buyers with more than a single eBook, you can give them a multimedia experience.
Bonus PLR eBook per month - You can use the bonus PLR eBooks the same way as the package PLR. We supply all you need to get your products ready to sell.
Audio eBook with resale rights - You can place the audio book as an auction or include it as a bonus in your eBook packages. All audio sales letters are graphics will be provided for you.
Mini website graphics to use with all PLR products - Use the mini websites and sell your converted PLR to the public directly from the internet. You can use PayPal or any online banking system to do this and completely automate the process.
25 PLR articles per month - Use your PLR articles with your affiliate links inside to generate you traffic for years to come. Submit them to article directories blog, and content hungry websites to earn your affiliate commissions and a steady influx of traffic.
An eBay sales template - Simply paste the template to eBay and we host the graphics for you, there is no need for a website hosting service for this one!
CD graphics - Use your CD graphics on your auctions and your mini websites. Print the covers to your CD's and sell them as physical items.
DVD graphics - Why not advertise your product as a DVD and burn it to a DVD! You can charge more for a DVD than a digital delivery item.
eBook graphics - Use the eBook graphics for your auctions, your mini sites, your sales letters and your physical printed Book creations.
Header and Footer Graphics - we supply for you the graphics for your headers and footers for your mini sites and your auctions, which are all professionally prepared by our graphics team.
A PLR request service - This service will give you mini sites*, websites*, graphics* and PLR eBooks* terms apply.
As you can see the amount of content you get is phenomenal. Not only do you get all of this, you get full support for your products and a bunch of tutorials to help you move your business along. All in all this is one of, if not the best PLR website I have seen. It’s a complete no brainer so go check out PLR Monthly today.
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